15th York University Research symposium live in Dadaab

Today was one moment in my life and it was a day of sharing different ideas with students from different continents, @york university Toronto students with students from Dadaab Kenya. The Dean in faculty of Education was right their opening the day in session. Six graduate students from BHER Project presented their MRPs proposals to the YGSE with the Toronto graduate and Phd students.

We were so happy to share with our idea and answered some of the questions of Toronto students.

Wonderful day to remember.

Different students using comic life to present their final assignment.

Arte saman DAGANE using comiclife to make his final project.

Dadaab graduate students value the use of Comiclife and hope they can as well use and share with different people in the world. According to ochan who used the comic life commented that he was happy to see technology taking another phase in helping him make his assignments done differently.

Arte also appreciated as well in his use of the comic life by saying that it is through Comiclife that allowed him make graphical designs and he enjoyed using it, and promised to help many other students to also use as he did.

Generally use of comic life is something we liked it and we shall also use in our classroom teaching.


I am so excited to share with a comic life software with my fellow graduate student in Dadaab to use for their final projects in Professor Don and Gillian Courses respectively. This was an opportunity for me to share what I have already learned from my technology professor with the rest. Because it has been said previously that sharing is caring. We share with others because we care for them.
Any other person who needs this software to use please contact me through abikar14@gmail.com so that I can give you more guidances on how easy you can use this software.

You are all welcome.

first draft of our chapter is done and looking forward to polishing it off”…

Hello again

I was busy writing my book chapter for the BHER BOOK, with rest of the authors, professor Kurt, Negin and Abdullahi; we have submitted the draft of our chapter and hoping to be given suggestions, so that we do the final write-up.

Below was our previous chapter abstract and now we have submitted the draft of our chapter.

Refugees respond: Using digital tools, networks and production pedagogies to envision possible futures.

Abdikadir Bare Akibar, Kurt Thumlert, Negin Dayha, Jennifer Jenson, Abdullahi


Political and practical matters of access to higher education in refugee camps are fundamentally mediated by questions of connectivity and access to sociotechnical tools, networks and digital media ecologies. This chapter recounts the experiences of two BHER students – teachers in the Dadaab Refugee Camp – enrolled in the York University graduate course, Cultural Studies of Technology for Education. Here, they illustrate how digital tools might be utilized not simply to ‘connect’ actors in refugee camps to sites of higher education, but explore how those tools might be mobilized to support the ends and self-defined purposes of local actors and communities. Building upon theories/practices explored in the course, students in Dadaab enacted a ‘production pedagogy’ model where critical technology learning and making were intertwined with local aims, including the development of a website/blog and Wikimedia platform for teaching, as well as the creative use of digital storytelling and video production as vehicles for refugee inquiry and self-representation. The larger aim was to envision ‘possible futures’ within and beyond the Dadaab refugee camp.

We were interested in technology impact and the success it brought to BHER project. Without technology it would have been hard for York University and the rest to deliver the contents.

Keep viewing Website to get the latest updates on our book chapters.

Abdikadir Abikar


Happy New Year, welcome to 2019;

Image result for new form 1 admission photos

IFO secondary school has begun the admission processes of new form 1 students from different primary schools in the Ifo refugee camps, all these new students are overexcited to be given a position in the school to learn. this is an opportunity for the new arrivals to come and undergo a small exercise before they are allowed to register.

the processes are about touring them to the school, verifying the details of the new students, and bringing some facilities required for learning liking the learning materials.

On the other end, many students at this point are so excited to meet and exchange their view and happiness. since like this day act as a joy and a learning process; because they interact with many other students from different primary schools in the camp.

lastly, the students are welcomed by the previous students of Ifo secondary and they are introduced to their new teachers. I personally feel very excited to be teaching new and different students every year, because this stands an interaction and learning opportunity for me.


Resuming dadaab classes after the short break

Another semester begins;

graduate students begin their classes although they have different course registered, commonly course is the Nombusso course which is the ”  GS/EDUC5120 B – Theory and Research in Language, Culture and as well as Teaching (Full Year 2018-2019), and   ED/EDST3800 X – Research Methods in Educational Studies (Full Year 2018-2019).   the latter is face to face and we have other independent courses like Abdikadir is registered and has already begun, EDUC 5863 Digital Games and Learning. this started last Tuesday, and it is on now.  the other courses are ecology and inclusive learning.

The undergraduate students of BHER are also on their last semester and they are hoping to finish all their classes before April 2019 so that they can graduate.  the graduate students are also standing as the teacher assistance in some of their course like the  ED/EDST3999 X – Experience, Inquire, Contribute I (EIC): Systematic Observation in Context (Full Year 2018-2019) and it also helping the graduate to be more professional.

this is where we update you, get connected so that we bring you day to day updates from the other sides of the universe.

I am Abdikadir a student and a reporter


Waw what a surprise, it is the first time a Dadaab student is hosting a course in his own website, it is my pleasure to thank professor Kurt for his initiatives and trying to make many dreams come true. at first i thought the only way students learn in York is through the moodle but professor Kurt proofed to me that, through creativity we can play around and not only depend on Moodle but host students in out own web pages.

i urge Canadian students to welcome to my website “http://refugeesrespond.org/” and feel free to interact with me so that we build on cross-cultural curriculum that will help our future students.

lastly this website page will be a change maker in the future students of York university who are outside Canada but willing to realize their dreams without reaching to York

my fellow can students of “EDUC 5863 Digital Games and Learning” welcome we start together.



Main Page

Dadaab Wiki

Return to RefugeesRespond.org : Refugees Respond Return to Course Website

EDUC 5863 Game Roll Digital Games and Learning

educ 5863 Games & Learning

  • Production 2 Doing Things (This Production will be opened at the end of the second class)

To start editing this wiki, just login and hit “edit”. Here is a video tutorial that can help you. https://vimeo.com/200086367

But basically, to create a new page, you just use the two brackets example and click “save page”.

Consult the User’s Guide for information on using the wiki software

Kenya: National Exams News

  1. Primary-Kenya Certificate of Primary Education(KCPE)


The 2018 Standard Eight national exam results are out. Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed has released the results for the Primary Schools. In the 2018 KCPE exams, 527,294 were boys while there were 525,070 female candidates.CS Amina Mohamed noted that the performance had improved, with female candidates performing better than males in English, Kiswahili and Kenya sign language.

The ministry had directed for a 100 per cent transition rate to secondary school. The candidates shall be issued with their admission letters before the commencement of the Christmas celebrations. The Head of State urged those who sat the exams to be satisfied with whatever grade they rightfully scored, adding that the government will ensure they all proceed to secondary school.

This year’s KCPE top candidate got 455 marks compared to last year’s 437, a remarkable improvement

KCPE results can be checked via SMS  to 20076 or online http://www.knec-portal.ac.ke/

  1. Secondary-Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education(KCSE)


KCSE exam results to come out before Christmas

The over 600,000 candidates who sat this year’s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination will get their results before Christmas, Education minister has said.

Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed said marking will be done in good time in order to allow parents to plan.

Marking of the scripts is expected to start on December 7 and end by December 18. Last year, KCSE exam results were released on December 20.

Dadaab Response on National Exams

The refugee children from Dadaab also for the KCPE and KCSE like the way Kenyans subjected to these exams. Primary learners also received their results and willing join NGO supported schools and some private schools in the Camps. Despite that learners are happy, parents foresee a lot of expenses to their children; beginning from school uniform, admission fee and other stationeries for learning purposes.

The secondary students who also completed their exams yesterday and hopefully expecting a good result that will enable them to join the university.