Kenya: National Exams News

  1. Primary-Kenya Certificate of Primary Education(KCPE)


The 2018 Standard Eight national exam results are out. Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed has released the results for the Primary Schools. In the 2018 KCPE exams, 527,294 were boys while there were 525,070 female candidates.CS Amina Mohamed noted that the performance had improved, with female candidates performing better than males in English, Kiswahili and Kenya sign language.

The ministry had directed for a 100 per cent transition rate to secondary school. The candidates shall be issued with their admission letters before the commencement of the Christmas celebrations. The Head of State urged those who sat the exams to be satisfied with whatever grade they rightfully scored, adding that the government will ensure they all proceed to secondary school.

This year’s KCPE top candidate got 455 marks compared to last year’s 437, a remarkable improvement

KCPE results can be checked via SMS  to 20076 or online

  1. Secondary-Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education(KCSE)


KCSE exam results to come out before Christmas

The over 600,000 candidates who sat this year’s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination will get their results before Christmas, Education minister has said.

Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed said marking will be done in good time in order to allow parents to plan.

Marking of the scripts is expected to start on December 7 and end by December 18. Last year, KCSE exam results were released on December 20.

Dadaab Response on National Exams

The refugee children from Dadaab also for the KCPE and KCSE like the way Kenyans subjected to these exams. Primary learners also received their results and willing join NGO supported schools and some private schools in the Camps. Despite that learners are happy, parents foresee a lot of expenses to their children; beginning from school uniform, admission fee and other stationeries for learning purposes.

The secondary students who also completed their exams yesterday and hopefully expecting a good result that will enable them to join the university.




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